{my place on Squarespace}
{my place on Squarespace}

The Foyer:

~ Construction of an Introduction ~


Entry: December of 2017


Before you choose to venture through the "Main Entrance" to explore all of which is currently waiting for you, it's important to recognize that it was never my intention to build a foyer as part of { my place on Squarespace }. Therefore, this is not your official "Welcome". That will come later. 

Perhaps then, we could liken the construction of this addition to, shall we say, a prologue...or a foreword. It is not uncommon for a book—or any artistic piece for that matter—to introduce itself in some way to the reader. What is uncommon, however, is when [the construction of] an introduction does not follow time in the traditional sense as we know and understand it: Linear. That alone, is something that can present some challenges—especially when it feels as if you're moving backwards. One can only imagine the difficulties a builder may endure, that come along with the desire to add on to an already-existing structure—The “Main Entrance”— which was [and still is] well on its way. And, just like the builder of structures in the physical world, so too, do I find myself with those very same dilemmas here at { my place...[in The Foyer]...on Squarespace}.

That being said, there are times, such as at this very moment, when what appears to be a 'costly' step in the reverse, may add future [unseen] value. And besides, once a creative thought [even though it may be an afterthought], suspects it has found a home inside of your mind, and as a result, realizes it has been presented with an opportunity to transition from the potential to an a actuality—there is no turning back. This creative thought…this idea… is not like a force; at that point, it is a Force. It's a Force with such a powerful vision of itself, that it will hunt you down and haunt you, until you heed its voice, and allow it to speak, and to be seen—until it feels as if you have done your damnedest due diligence, and have rightly brought it to fruition—to Life—in the manner of which it is accustomed to being treated...with respect...as if it matters...as if it is of the utmost importance~~~because it is. I wonder: Perhaps there is a little sliver of this “Force” within all of us, that is a bit just like that. 

I wonder.............


As you can see, we are not even into the “Main Entrance” and already I have introduced you to a taste of what's to come: Passionate imaginings laced with reality, interwoven with the most authentic of authenticity, and topped with a bit of flair for the dramatic. Yes, it's very possible to express all of these at the same time...but only if you promise yourself to keep it Real…to keep to your personal truth and to the genuine script of your own story~~~whatever that happens to be. But first—"The Foyer"—and its story. 

It's notable, and therefore we should keep in mind at all times, that "The Foyer" is being constructed—brick by brick—as I write each word. However, the thought  of "The Foyer" did not originate in my mind, but rather in, someone else's. I am only the builder who, it appears…is the hunted and the haunted. What a strange feeling that is. On some level, there is nothing like a good haunting. [If you only knew!]. And if I could put that feeling into words, this is the picture I would paint for you: This Thought [of the foyer]—this idea—[which has a life of its own], is indeed an invisible presence, but a real presence nonetheless. And perhaps it is a presence that has something of importance to say, and has been searching for its listener...its writer...its builder, in order to bring something of value into existence.....something that allows it to, at long last, tell us its story. Is any of this possible? Am I imagining things? Or perhaps I was the "lucky" one who was simply paying attention to that lost and lonely presence—to that idea—Who was Just looking for a Good home. But No matter the correct answer (if there even is one), the thought of [The Foyer] seems to have found a home in me. Tag~~~I'm it. The hunt may be over; but [I fear] the haunting has just begun. 


 "A [thought], an idea...like a Ghost...must be spoken to a little, before it will explain itself." ~Author: Charles Dickens


 Entry: January of 2018


But First, let's give credit to the one whose real credit is due; and that is, to “The Architect” [of the idea] of "The Foyer"…to the One who had the thought...to the One who shared the thought of “The Foyer” with me, as this detail is the most important part of the story, even though the story [of “The Foyer”] has only just begun. For without Her sharing of the idea, I wouldn't be here at this very moment, with my bricks and my mortar and my trowel. And so, together—as co-Creators—She [with her thoughts] and I [with my words] begin our dance.

 "First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination." ~Author: Napoleon Hill


Who is She—this Architect? Allow me to introduce you to Her...to my Friend. She is a young one...much younger than I. Yet, at the same time, i feel She's an old Soul: My very best and favorite kind of Friend........... in the whole wide world. The sweet simplicity of our history, goes way back. How we met is not a mystery. Why we met... is. But... if the [potential] concept of Soul Circles is a real phenomenon, then this explains the power of our connection; the indivisibility of our Golden thread; the indestructibility of our foundation. Beneath our feet [and of “The Foyer”], lies sacred ground. Though we rarely have the occasion to speak, and the miles between us can feel like a million, She and I are as close as a thought away. Literally. It almost seems as if we've made a silent agreement to rely upon the airwaves as the primary mode of transportation for our conversations. And I can only surmise that the crackling and sizzling of our "words", as they zip between us, back and forth... perhaps as fast as the speed of light... must be deafening to those who have the ability to hear [the frequency of] our constant quantum racket. Does this phenomenon sound familiar to you—in any way, shape, or form? If it does, take comfort; for you are not alone. But I digress.

To continue: She—the one who is responsible for this architectural quandary in which i now find myself—received the invitation i extended to Her to visit “The Main Entrance” of [my place on squarespace]…at Her convenience, of course. 

And I might add: after I sent Her invitation, She really did take Her sweet time getting there. not that I mind at all, of course.


***When you have received the gift of a "Soul Circle Friend", it is well worth the wait for whenever you see or hear from your Friend again.***


Do you remember that magical Golden thread? It is strong enough to sustain any length of time, illusory distance, and the supposed sounds of silence between you, until the opportunity presents itself for other [more desired] forms of communication. Do you wonder how this could be possible? Me too. although…I do not have an answer for you. And I am beyond asking specific questions about the secret realms of the unknown. I have simply learned to surrender...to accept and to embrace the mystery of it all—at least for now. 


 Entry: February of 2018


But I am still wondering:

While I've been busy introducing you to “The Architect”, have you been wondering what's been going on behind the scenes in "The Foyer"…how things might be progressing—from the builder's perspective? Me too. Actually, nothing new to see here! [Or is there?] I'm tempted to say that construction of "The Foyer" has been closed down of late. [or has it?]


perhaps there has been [deeper] construction going on~~~ in secret~~~even further behind the scenes than you and I are consciously aware. and so… i must ask you this:

Might there be some [invisible] completed stacks of brick and mortar already in place, [constructed and authored by: A Mysterious “Unknown"] ...just patiently waiting for someone…anyone… to take notice...to see?

Hint: Hunted......... haunted......... Tag, I'm it.........remember?

And now I have a sneaking suspicion, that as the builder, I am required to wear more than one type of Hard hat on this project. And I also wonder if part of my job is not only to construct the new, but in addition, to shed light on that part of “The Foyer” which may already exist---by using my words. Is this Possible? I suppose we shall see. But, if I pose this question only to myself, and to myself only...then my personal answer is: 

Yes. Yes, this is possible. 

And therefore, it's no wonder why I'm "it"...why I'm the perfect person to haunt. Because i believe that Something or Someone—perhaps "A Mysterious Unknown"...or perhaps a Ghost—already knows Who I am And What I Represent…and that I belong to a specific Soul Circle whose ‘Club’ members’ need only satisfy this one Requirement:

We are......... “The Believers”.

And we believe that Anything is possible…whether we can see it—or not.


 Entry: March of 2018

[Still] Under Construction

~ ~ ~

 entry: April of 2022

 well, well, well…where have i been all this time, you may ask?

[if you only knew!]

It appears that [once again]—I forgot to hang the “be back soon!” sign on [the foyer] door. But “be back soon” would have been less than honest. then again, did you sneak over to the other side because there was nothing more to see here? But even that part was vacant and empty for a while too.












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