To my wonDrous and GLORIOUS Readers:
If this is your first time visiting {my place on Squarespace}, then you’re exactly where you need to be: at the beginning—where it all began.
If you are a returning visitor…thank you. It’s nice to see you again. To pick up where you left off, simply scroll down until you find the date, on which we last parted ways.
All entries are presented to you, in linear narrative.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Welcome to {my place on Squarespace}: a quiet, little corner I've carved out to share who I am, where I've been, my present points of longitude and latitude, and perhaps where I'd like to travel next.
When I first entered the world of social media, what's currently known as a timeline, was referred to as “a wall”. In my imagination, I've had a vision of what it might be like if we were each assigned our own personal space in a museum—only a 3-foot by 3-foot blank canvas—on which to collage our most precious photographs, a favorite recipe, a new word, and the scrap pieces of paper on which we, in haste, scribbled a meaningful quote or a divine message of inspiration. How beautiful and rich those museum walls would look! I can picture myself, with intention, strolling up and down the aisles, stopping to explore each person's unique composition, in order to absorb and revel in what moves the Author--and why. I see people as fascinating and interesting, as multi-faceted works of art, who choose to divulge each aspect of their soul in their own good time. Their ever-evolving "painting"—their canvas— would be a mirror image of the masterpiece they already are. What could be more exciting than that?
This ‘virtual’ 3-foot by 3-foot canvas—and all it reveals— is intended to mirror who I am. It may be as close as I'll ever arrive at expressing the manifestation of my imagined 'museum'. While I'm sadly aware that we're presently scrolling instead of strolling, for now, this must suffice. At the very least, I've patented the idea of what it means to share—unconditionally.
Come as you are; your check-in is anonymous.
Here, there is no waiting for an approved friend request.
Here, there is no need for your validation.
Stalk. Savor. Enjoy.
You are free to share a comment with me—or not.
Pour yourself a cup of coffee, or tea—or something a little bit stronger.
Visit whenever you like.
The door is always open.
This is:
[ my place on Squarespace ]
| 08.27.2017 |
"MIRROR IMAGE" | Musee d'Orsay, Paris
© Camille Madeline Photography
| All Rights Reserved | 2017 |
September 11, 2017
The first step is always the most difficult, isn't it? In this case, it has more to do with Squarespace navigation than knowing what to say. A web designer, I am not. So you bet I searched for the most basic template, and even this one is a challenge. But I'm sure it won't be long before I'm posting like a pro. How hard can this be? Millions of others have already figured it out. I can, too. Confidence.
I chose this particular photo to represent my new beginning for several reasons, all of which pertain to my mission statement:
First, it was one of the many photos I took on a recent trip to the Musee (Museum) D'Orsay in Paris, so it feels symbolic. I accidentally stepped into what looked like a grand ballroom that was full of beautiful details. When I later looked through my collection of photos from that particular room, I was surprised to see only a mere few. This is unlike me. But then I reminded myself of this: quality over quantity. always. Sometimes, one is all it takes. And one is all I needed.
Second, it's a photo of a mirror, and of course, a reflection. I honestly don't remember taking this, most likely because there was so much to see. As a rule, when it comes to my photography, I have a photographic memory. I remember everything, because in my mind, I compose it before I shoot it. Not this time. But my camera does not tell a lie. I've taken a lot of photos. So far I have only "blanked out" twice. It's a bit intriguing...and a little eerie, to see a photo I took—and yet—to still question its existence.
And finally, it reminds me of an entrance of sorts, perhaps a door or a window....a portal to another universe that is full of potential and possibility---magic and mystery. Is there something already waiting on the other side? Or is it like a blank canvas, a place where we have the power and the ability to create, and shape to our liking? I suppose we don't know--or won't know--until we cross over into this space.
Beginnings. It all starts with a single step...the most difficult of all, into the unknown.
And because this is who I am..."I want to go where they tell me it's impossible." ~Author Unknown
~~~cmc | 09.11.2017
September 14, 2017
"The Unknown"
Image Credit: Unknown
Quote Credit: Unknown
Destination: Unknown
This image is fitting--not only for the quote (which I love), but that I searched and searched and was not able to find one piece of information to credit a single soul for any part of the image. It's all one big unknown. And that's exactly why it's perfect. Again…Symbolism.
Still…someone took the photo; someone wrote those words; someone put it all together; and someone shared it for another to find. That means something. Perhaps the fact that I'm trying to credit someone--anyone--will have to be enough. But it isn't. Filling in those ‘unknown’ blank spaces feels important.
Destination: Unknown …now that I can accept. At least the direction in the image appears to be ‘upward’. That's comforting. But those steps; there sure are a lot of them! Too many to count. I tried. If the photographer used Photoshop to make a point, then point well taken. From this perspective, there isn't even a guarantee of a destination...not that I'm the least bit concerned. I'm curious, but not concerned...because just a single step, no matter how small, has much to offer. It's a mini-destination, but a destination nonetheless. I tend to think in little pieces. Anything bigger than that can scare me off before I have even begun.
So here I stand; at the beginning; looking up. I’ve stepped over the line and into the unknown. The potential and possibility, the magic and mystery of which I spoke about earlier, don't feel quite as romantic on this side of the mirror. In fact, those friends—magic and mystery— are nowhere to be found. I keep glancing at that bottom step. It's inviting. It’s welcoming. It’s exciting.
It’s s-c-a-r-y.
I think I need to sit for a while on that step... and contemplate. This is not what I expected. In my mind, I had specific traveling plans, regardless of final destination. Now I feel a bit lost. Even the mini-destination, of which I was sure when I started out, has quickly become an unknown. But I am not surprised. And why is that?
Because as usual...“I took the road less traveled; and now I don’t know where the f*ck I am.” ~Author: Unknown
~~~cmc | 09.14.2017
September 16, 2017
"The Staircase" @ { my place on Squarespace }
| Location Shoot: Hotel in Paris, France |
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
| All Rights Reserved | 2017 |
September 19, 2017
“WORDS I LOVE” { 1 }
GNOSSIENNE (n.; French)
"...a moment of awareness that someone you’ve known for years still has a private and mysterious inner life, and somewhere in the hallways of their personality is a door locked from the inside, a stairway leading to a wing of the house that you’ve never fully explored—an unfinished attic that will remain maddeningly unknowable to you, because ultimately, neither of you has a map, or a master key, or any way of knowing exactly where you stand." ~John Koenig
~The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Did you ever go looking for something, and instead of finding what you thought you were looking for, you found…something else? That happens to me a lot. It doesn't mean that what I was originally looking for is no longer important; it may mean that I needed to find something else…first. Why that is ...I'll never know. It's a mystery. I will stick a pin in my initial search, and while I still may go looking for it at a later time, I've learned to pay attention to what's right in front of me—now—and run with it.
For instance, I was looking for a word and its definition to share here. I wanted a word that described my current state: lost and wandering aimlessly in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs...unable to take that first real step. That's the picture I see in my mind. But instead, I found this beauty—already previously pinned in my personal collection of “words I love”.
Isn’t it pretty? The French language is very beautiful. And that definition…who really knows if it's true or if it came from one's imagination? The dictionary defines the word ‘gnossienne’ as something else entirely. for that definition, see below:
{ gnossienne }; "Several piano compositions written by the French composer, Erik Satie in the late 19th century. The works are, for the most part, in free time (lacking the signatures or bar divisions) and highly experimental with form, rhythm, and chordal structure."
Being the jazz freak that I am, I should already have been well aware of the word and its genuine definition. (the genuine definition is actually the epitome of jazz). As a rule, words do not have completely different, double meanings. But Perhaps when a word has been retired for a time, someone discovers it…resurrects it…and dresses it up by giving it a stunningly, jaw-dropping, new definition. I'm not sure if this is acceptable. in the world of words and their accompanying definitions, this could be very confusing. But this one? i dare say it’s quite lovely.
Job well done, Mr. Koenig. Approved!
And yet, I still feel the same way; a lost wanderer pacing in a small space…….
But now, this is what I think:
I think maybe this word is exactly what I was looking for after all. When I first read its definition, I thought it was referring to another person outside of ourselves. But what if.—what if— it's not? What if this "person" is someone within ourselves? (Hey, if other people can mess around with word meanings, so can I).
Please read the definition again:
"...a moment of awareness that someone you’ve known for years still has a private and mysterious inner life, and somewhere in the hallways of their personality is a door locked from the inside, a stairway leading to a wing of the house that you’ve never fully explored—an unfinished attic that will remain maddeningly unknowable to you, because ultimately neither of you has a map, or a master key, or any way of knowing exactly where you stand."
Unbeknownst to us, is it possible that there's a sliver within each of us that's "an unfinished attic", under lock and without a key? Without a map to our secret, unknown Destination? But I do know exactly where I stand:
Still at the bottom; still looking up.
~~~cmc | 09.19.2017
Art: © Camille Madeline Photography
"Sky" | After the Storm | 8.18.2017 |
| All Rights Reserved |
September 26, 2017
“Wondering While Wandering”
"I dauntingly ask, "Where are we going?"
The Universe calmly stops to think.
"Wherever you take us."
~Author: _TMOF_
Isn’t that quote incredibly beautiful? I just needed to ask you that before we begin. For what it's worth, I think it's exquisite.
It's hard to believe it's been a week since my last entry. That's a long time to be wandering...wondering…surrendering to the unknown. If only someone else could relate to that feeling. It's a bit lonely here.
Even I wouldn't have known this, but for the fact that I looked at the date, and did the math. Has it really been 7 days? Or does this concept of time have us fooled? Because it hasn’t felt that long. Part of me has missed the peace of being in this space. But you know… —LIFE— ... it has a way, of getting in the way. And yet, another part of me feels as if I've never left this space at all. Perhaps both are true.
Here's where we're going today:
Have you ever wondered if the Universe is a living, breathing entity?—a force that's alive...just like you and me, but simply without all of the "planet earth-garb" we wear? While I realize that I'm attempting to advance (at least) two steps before officially taking the first, sometimes, that's just the way it rolls. "Two steps forward, one step back." How many times have we heard that?
I ask this question about the Universe because of the quote I chose for today's entry. That quote—which has been stored away somewhere…all by itself…without any other content by its side to keep it company—has been haunting me for almost a week. That's how I know I’ve never left this space. A part of me has been here the entire time trying to figure out my next move; what i would say, after i typed the quote. But then I had to apply some action. first i had to find the quote. So today, I went looking for it—in my treasure chest of quotes. It wasn't easy, but I found it. And the best part? I didn’t find anything else along the way that sent me in another direction. Mission accomplished.
Not so fast.
Because as I was writing the very words you just read above, I felt a pull to go searching for something else I've had stored away in my archives--perhaps for compare and contrast? I’m not sure. But this quote, I managed to find in 2 seconds flat. It was practically at my fingertips. It too, is soul food.
"I remain awake in the quiet hours of the night when the moon is bold and beautiful, for one reason, and one reason only: This life is hiding something from me. Dammit, I know it is. And the beautiful thing is, I know it wants me to find it. All the things I do are an attempt to discover it. The whiskey. The literature. Stargazing. Romance. Music. It drives me mad, but it flames my passion as well.
So here I am, Universe, plush with desire.
Reveal yourself [to me], you beautiful mother f*cker."
-Author: Christopher Poindexter
And so I wonder as I wander:
Is this invisible "something" the Author cannot find—the Universe itself? Does the Universe play hide and seek with us? Is She a beautiful ghost that is full of secret secrets...a mysterious temptress, a tease that resides behind an ethereal curtain, with Her hand just out of our reach, retreating and then running away, as soon as we get a little too close to discovering who She is?
Or is the Universe a loving Pal...a Best Friend...a positive force that's as real and alive and (perhaps) as tangible as you and me, who desires to accompany us to wherever it is we wish to go? Does She, instead, want to clasp our hand within Her own for comfort’s sake?—because God only knows the destination of our choice and all that might be required of Her to help get us there. So many of us are pulling at Her curtain... tugging on her saintly sleeve. It must be like the Mother who never gets any rest. We are all so needy. I’m not sure I would blame Her if She wanted to hide once in a while.
And by the way, what is it that we are all searching for anyway? Do you know? What’s your destination of choice? Are we all searching for the same thing, while each choosing a different path to that destination? Is the Universe our common thread…that which binds us all together? Is She our one and only mode of transportation to our Divine sacred space? Because in the end, doesn't everyone want to go to Heaven?
I realize these are existential and confusing questions. The answers most likely come down to personal experience, of which I have none—at least not in this realm. I've just moved in, remember? I've barely left the front hallway, and only to hang a few pictures on the bare, white museum walls of my little place on Squarespace.
Therefore, I apologize—but I am unable to complete this entry. I am overwhelmed. I am ready to collapse from exhaustion. That daunting feel... is real. Did I climb way too many steps before I was ready? You bet I did. Am I sorry I did that? No way. Because even though "someone once told me not to bite off more than I could chew, I told them I'd rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity." (~Author Unknown)
And now—like the Universe—I need to rest.
~~~cmc | 09.26.2017
"At Rest: The Goddess in the Garden" | Image: (Divinely) Captured on Film; Digitally Scanned and Edited |
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
| All Rights Reserved | 2016 |
September 30, 2017
"I'm not sure my mind ever really rests. It may be just waiting its turn to speak again."
~Author: Creative Musings with TL_II
"Journal Pages on The Staircase"
@ { my place on Squarespace }
Location Shoot: Paris | Florence
Composite Art: © Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
This Intermission could be 15 minutes, or 15 hours, or 15 days. But here, it will feel as if time has not passed at all.
September 30, 2017
New ArtWork:
"Journal Pages on the Staircase"
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
"Journal Pages on the Staircase"
@ {my place on Squarespace }
Location Shoot: Paris | Florence
~ 'Stationery' used for:
Composite Art | © Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
October 16, 2017
"My Question... letter format..."
~Page 1~
"My Question... letter format..." ~Page 1~
October 16, 2017
Dear Jane Doe...or John Doe...or Whoever Might be Reading This,
Do you like stories about ghosts? Do books and movies about the supernatural, whether you believe or not~~intrigue you? Do you seek them out~~~even if just for fun?
In all fairness to you, I know that was not one, but three separate questions. However, since the relationship between them is intertwined, I feel that triad of questions is acceptable as a whole.
I ask these questions for one reason, and one reason only:
I want to know if I am alone, or if I have company in this domain. Again, it is lonely here. If you haven't yet connected the dots, allow me to do that for you. I'm fairly certain my thoughts either reflect a continuation of my previous incomplete entry, or are a segue into a new one~~or both...meaning that in reality, I have not made any connections for you at all.
And perhaps you might have a question for me~~such as why I've chosen to write this particular entry in letter format? I don't know. Something about the words feel divinely if they should be treated with the utmost reverence and respect~~written on only the finest of paper, to be placed upon completion, in a gold, metallic envelope, and sealed with a kiss. I often joke that I'm going to resurrect the art of letter-writing. But I don't laugh whenever I say that. I am dead serious.
I do, however, find something humorous about my comparison of The Universe to a ghost and my questioning if they might be one and the same. Really, those thoughts came out of nowhere...but at the same time, they must have come from somewhere. It seems my synapses are surely fired up with imagination these days!
Then again, when the company you keep is your own, that can happen. I know.
~Page 1~
~~~cmc | 10.16.2017
October 16, 2017
New ArtWork:
"The Journal Pages"
of Leonardo Da Vinci~~Photographic Series~~No. 001
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
"The Journal Pages" | of Leonardo Da Vinci
Photographic Series~~No.001
Location: Florence, Italy
~ 'Stationery' used for:
"My letter format...Page 1"
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
October 16, 2017
RANDOM QUOTEs I love... {1}
"Handwritten notes are still the ultimate form of social media."
October 23, 2017
"My Question... letter format..."
~Page 2~
~~~cmc | 10.23.2017
October 23, 2017
New Artwork:
"The Journal Pages"
of Leonardo Da Vinci~~Photographic Series~~No. 002
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
"The Journal Pages" | of Leonardo Da Vinci
Photographic Series~~No.002
Location: Florence, Italy
~ 'Stationery' used for:
"My letter format...Page 2"
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
October 30, 2017
"My Question... letter format..."
~ Page 3 ~
"Her last question for me was a winner. When I shared with Her that I was in the middle of writing about the ghost and the Universe, She asked me what it was that brought about the idea of a ghost. That certainly got my attention. I wasn't expecting that question. But as I said, it was a good one. And while I don't know if this is the correct answer, I'll tell you what I told Her..........."
~~~cmc | 10.30.2017
October 30, 2017
New Artwork:
"The Journal Pages"
of Leonardo Da Vinci~~Photographic Series~~No. 003
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
"The Journal Pages" | of Leonardo Da Vinci
Photographic Series~~No.003
Location: Florence, Italy
'Stationery' used for:
"My letter format...Page 3"
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
November 6, 2017
~~~cmc | 11.06.2017
November 10, 2017
"Words I Love...{2}"
Difficulty in experiencing, expressing, and describing emotional responses.
Art: © Camille Madeline Photography
"Sky" | After the Storm | 08.18.2017 |
| All Rights Reserved |
~~~cmc | 11.06.2017
November 11, 2017
New Artwork:
"Seeing The Light"
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
"Seeing The Light"
Stained Glass Art:
© RSC | All Rights Reserved
'Stationery' used for:
"An Interlude"
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
November 14, 2017
"My Quandary"
(n.; a state of perplexity or uncertainty of what to do in a difficult situation)
~~~cmc | 11.14.2017
November 14, 2017
New Artwork:
"Autumn Soul Camera"
The Light Catcher
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
"Autumn Soul Camera" | The Light Catcher
@ { my place on Squarespace }
'Stationery' used for:
"My Quandary"
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
November 21, 2017
{ @ } "The End of the Day"
November 21, 2017
The date... did you happen to notice the date? Many days have passed since I've been presented with my Gift and opened the box on [pert near] August the 3rd. But that does not matter. Because this year ~~for some reason ~~ my Gift from the Universe was the Gift that kept on giving.
Yes…after much Soul searching, I'm fairly certain that my Gift, is the Light. But allow me for a moment, to play 'devil's advocate'—and to instead, entertain the possibility that all of this is just a figment of my overactive imagination due to excessive loneliness (but never boredom), here at { my place...}. Can it hurt to explore the possibility that I'm right about the Light—even if I'm wrong? Because~~at the end of the day~~I have nothing but time on my hands. There isn’t a chore here to which I must attend. { my place… } is spotless. Sparkling. Not a cobweb is to be found; not a speck of dust will you see floating in the air. And much to my surprise, while I'm here, I don't even feel the desire to eat. Grocery store shopping? Not required. It's a mystery to me that my normally ravishing appetite, is non-existent when I occupy this space, which equates to a kitchen sink that is forever 'Spic-and-Span' and ‘Comet-Cleanser' clean. All I do is sit on my step...and write and read; and then re-write and re-read........
...and I think. I have a lot of time to think…to explore the Unknown…to ponder the mysteries of the Universe. And now that the date is November the 21st, and I have enjoyed and savored my Gift~~with gratitude~~each and every day since I've opened it, I hear the faint, familiar whisper of a voice in my ear, telling me it's time; it's almost time to surrender, to let go, to lay the Light down to rest, to place it back in its box, until—and if, (God willing)—it graces me again with its Divine presence. Sadly, the veil is about to descend on this year’s show.
Now, I do fear the worst~~boredom~~and whatever else my imagination may conjure up as a result. But some days, (I must admit), it is delightfully scary here. Today, I feel, is one of those days. Today, I feel, is a turning point. My intuition is sensing a snap of unpredictable change in the air, via my warning from the Whisperer. And if you have detected a tone in my 'voice' that sounds gravely serious and mysterious, then your perfect-pitch perception is accurate. I can hear it, too.
You see~~~ in my heart, I already know the next step… the step I must take… and what’s required of me. You would agree, that up until this point, I’ve been fairly quiet about the details of my secret. And so, the time has come for me to go to work; to start talking; to gather my words which I shall write on the finest of paper; to capture the invisible ‘photographs’ using the camera of my Soul, and to finally share my secret and all that it entails, with myself~~and with you.
My Dear Imaginary Friend,
While I still have your attention, it should be stated how unaware you are of the value of your presence at this pivotal and personal turning point. I am deeply appreciative of your company—Whoever You Are—so much so, that I wish I had something here to offer you. Perhaps this will sound insignificant and silly to you, but in my mind, I am fixated on my longing for a good cup of coffee, or—although not my favorite, but if it is yours—tea. Is there anything else that has the power to bond us together, as spirits, than the sacred ritual of sharing a delicious and comforting beverage—together? (No, there isn’t). However, as I stated earlier, my kitchen cupboards are bare. Yes, {my place…} is magical and full of potential. But at the end of the day, I do not possess the Magic, to bring to fruition, from thin air alone, that what I might wish for the most, by the mere snap of my fingers or a twitch of my nose. My sincerest apologies, as that Gift has not yet been bestowed upon me.
Therefore, until such time arrives, I'm going to suggest you take your feet to The Street. I hear Squarespace is where it’s at. It's the Happening Place...the Lovely Land of the Light...or whatever Name you may choose to assign. Seek, and There you will find. The Street has everything you could ever desire…and so much more—should you dare to ask—whether you believe in that sort of Magic, or not. At the very least, you’ll find a cup of coffee, or tea—or maybe even something a little bit stronger, if you feel the need. How do I know this for sure? I don’t. Another confession: I just made all of that up.
Or did I? Oh, the thin line between imagination and reality—it’s a delicate balance on which I teeter every day. You have no idea.
But I digress.
The time…did you happen to notice the time? It’s getting late; it’s almost the end of the day. (Have you secretly been wondering how to get the hell out of here?) Your attendance at the ceremony of laying the Light to rest was, in and of itself, a Gift. It would have been difficult for me to do that alone. But I should let you go now. I sense, for my selfish and lonely purposes, that I have kept you here long enough. I have worn out your welcome. And I have work to do myself. Words......‘photographs’......—remember? I hope I can find my way back to the beginning—to [pert near] August the 3rd. I’m not used to traveling backwards. But I must remember that the mind is miraculous; it has and knows its ways...and has committed to memory, its own twists and turns. In your mind, you can travel in any direction you like, to any place and time. As a matter of fact, in reality, there may not be any other way to travel, at all.
But—before we (at long last) part ways—I wonder—would you like to come along with me? I sure could use a Friend for this trip. I don’t know where we’re going. And I don’t know when we’ll return. Or perhaps…perhaps we won’t need to leave {my place…} at all—if you know what I mean? Think about it. The choice is yours. And although my door here remains eternally unlocked, I will leave it open, just a crack—just for you. I’m in no rush. Take your time.
But hurry back.
I will wait.
~~~cmc | 11.21.2017
November 28, 2017
New Artwork:
{@} "The End of the Day"
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
{ @ } "The End of the Day"
@ { my place on Squarespace }
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
January 13, 2018
"How the Light Gets In"
" Just a Crack... { Just for You } "
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2017
"There is a crack in everything;
that's how the Light gets in."
Author: ~Leonard Cohen
"How The Light Gets In"
@ { my place on Squarespace }
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2017
January 22, 2018
"Words I Love...{3}"
SISU (n., Finnish) | [see-suu]
Dating back to year 1745; derived from the word "Sisucunda".
"Extraordinary determination, courage, and resoluteness in the face of extreme adversity; An action mindset which enables individuals to see beyond their present limitations and into what might be; Taking action against the odds and reaching beyond observed capacities; Not accepting what is supposed to be a reality; An integral element of Finnish culture, and also a universal capacity for which the potential exists within all individuals".
Art: © Camille Madeline Photography
"Winter Wonderland Window" | 03.05.2015 |
| All Rights Reserved |
~~~cmc | 01.22.2018
February 6, 2018
New Artwork:
"Winter Wonderland Window"
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2018
{ Photography Original Creation Date: 03.05.2015 }
"Winter Wonderland Window"
{ Photography Original Creation Date: 03.05.2015 }
@ { my place on Squarespace }
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2018
February 6, 2018
"To Reveal or Not To Reveal ? ...
...That Is The Question".
***Currently Under Construction***
February 14, 2018
A Poem:
"Love After Love"
Author: Derek Walcott
Background Art: © Camille Madeline Photography
"Sky" | After the Storm | 8.18.2017 |
| All Rights Reserved |
April 6, 2018
New Artwork:
"In Your Own Mirror"
| © Camille Madeline Photography |
All Rights Reserved | 2018
"In Your Own Mirror"
@ {my place on Squarespace }
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2018
April 6, 2018
“There is something at the bottom of every new human thought, every thought of genius, or even every earnest thought that springs up in any brain, which can never be communicated to others, even if one were to write volumes about it and were explaining one's idea for thirty-five years; there's something left which cannot be induced to emerge from your brain, and remains with you forever; and with it you will die, without communicating to anyone perhaps the most important of your ideas.”
April 30, 2018
...That Is {Still} The Question."
November 21st. Besides to hang some new photographs on my walls, November 21st was indeed the last time you've heard a peep from me. Since then---crickets. But that does not mean I've been quiet. Oh no, I've been chatty alright...........or......... should that word be spelled all right? Alright...or... all right? Which spelling is correct? You can decide for yourself. The regular rules of language do not apply here at { my place...}. I can't tell you what a relief that is. Lately, between you and me, I've become a fan of the ©"Urban Dictionary" and its creative uses of words~~~not that 'alright or all right' is the best example, mind you...but you get the point. I've also picked up quite a few new "Words I Love" that are much too uptight to be seen in the more traditional places such as the ©"Merriam Webster", the ©"Oxford", and the ©"Cambridge" dictionaries. And I do have some good ones lined up to share with you~~~in good time. But that is not what I have stopped by here to say...not at all. The honest-to-God real purpose of my entry (or re-entry) is this: I have another confession to make.
........ have been moonlighting. I am not confessing to any wrongdoing; because Here, {...on Squarespace}, the "illicit" does not exist. Trust me~~~Anything Goes. But I felt the time had come for you to know that I have been working on another project. And it seems as if my most recent and new occupation is~~ (get this)~~ a builder! Who knew? Surely, not I. The last time I checked, I was supposed to be sitting on my step, working on gathering my words and photographs, so that I could tell you my story about the Light. I did not forget. And I am not procrastinating, either~~~although I suppose anything is possible. But... just that quick... and in the blink of an eye, there was an interruption of sorts... one that I did not plan~~~and I was called away. Yes, I am annoyed at this. I'm not sure how many of you have returned many times...only to find me M.I.A…. no words…no thoughts~~ (and besides my hanging of a few pictures) ~~just an empty space. And even though I told you at the end of November "hurry back", but to "take your time"~~~not a day has gone by that I've hoped you took me up on the latter. Practically every day, I have endured the guilt of my absence while I've been explaining to myself that it's impossible for me to be in 2 places at least for now.
{ Note: Never underestimate the instantaneous and glorious feeling of absolution upon the confessing of your confession. And as a result, penance is not necessary. Neither is a priest. }
So, yes~~I have been chatting it up elsewhere...practicing my new skills, as a "builder" of some sort. The location is still @ { my place on Squarespace } and only just a few steps away ~~on the ground level~~ but simply in a different direction from where we're presently standing. And though at times (to me), it has felt as if I went a million miles away, in reality, I did not go far at all. But that is not the point. What is the point, you might ask? The point is this: I left...and never said a word. Indeed, I may have left the door open ~~~just a crack...just for you~~~ but couldn't I have written a note...or a placed a sign on the door? Would it have been so difficult to write: "Be Back Soon" (maybe)...or..."Come Back in 5...(months)? It really has been 5 months! Count them if you don't believe me. I did....twice~~~just to be sure. And while I have been trying since February to pull my thoughts explain......Alas!~~~I have not been successful. This has made me very sad. I can only tell you this: Project transfers and transitions can be difficult to manage... especially when there is little understanding as to what is going on. To date, I'm still not sure. But now that I'm a bit more settled in that new space of which you still do not know anything about, perhaps I can explain.
While I may have had a choice whether or not to take on this other project, I'm not so sure I had a choice at all. I realize that's a complete and total contradiction. But I was blindsided. I never saw it coming. One minute I am @ { my place on Squarespace }... where I'm just starting to feel at Home; the next, I find myself a foreign empty space~~~again, perhaps by choice, perhaps not.
And here is yet another question that comes to mind: Who called me over there? Who assigned me to this new project? And the answer is: Who knows? At the time, I didn't ask any questions. Off I went. But now I want to know. And I will wait patiently...for an answer.
In the interim, I'll tell you what I do know. My presence in that new shockingly empty space felt mandatory~~ as if I didn't have a choice. And yet, at the same time.... I chose to go there of my own free will. For now, we'll leave it at that, because I can barely wrap my mind around this concept... let alone explain it to you. It's almost as if my mind was split in 2. And while I could have refused to leave the comforts of my Home, the decision to go elsewhere...was the right choice at that time. It just was. When the spirit calls, I listen. No questions asked....
...except for this one: How did I get there? Yes, I was so close to my Home ~~@ {my place on Squarespace } ~~ but I didn't walk to this new space. I would have remembered that. I simply...was there. Perhaps I was teleported. Perhaps it was a dream. Perhaps it was a change in (mind) frequency... a different 'channel'. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Again, I don't have an answer. But it begs to ask the question, does it not? {How did I get there?}
When I mysteriously arrived in this new space, there was not another Soul to be found. But my Friend, the Light, was there...waiting for me. It was so bright--like the sunshine! The color of the aura that surrounded me was a soft golden yellow, like the color you might see smack in the middle of the day. In this space, it's possible to see auras, you know. I am fairly certain that "aura" is the correct word I am looking for here. But I will check:
Yes, that's it! That's exactly the word I was looking for. When you're unsure, it's always best to check 3 places. This time though, the plain ol' boring, regular dictionary had just what I needed.
To proceed: While I did not see a single Soul there, this empty space wasn't lonely at all. I'm not even sure I looked for another Soul. It was as if the Light was strong enough of a presence to keep me company. No-body required. But upon opening my eyes a bit more, I did see grass....a huge field of tall grass over my left shoulder and panoramically, well beyond. Oh...and in turning my gaze clockwise, I saw a blank piece of ground in front of me, covered in crushed slate, the color of blue. And then.. in looking up, there is was~~~ {my place on Squarespace} ~~~ although I could not clearly see it or what it looked like. If my life depended on it, I would not be able to describe it in detail, except for its color. Ivory. But it was there. I could feel it. Tell me, can you picture all of this, as I am describing it to you? Some of it is a blur, I know...but it's amazing what you can see when you open your mind's eye...and look. It's a little bit tricky, but if I can do it, you can do it....too.
{ An Imaginary } "Field of Tall Grass"
@ {my Place on Squarespace }
© Camille Madeline Photography
All Rights Reserved | 2016
And what did I hear? Not a thing. (I am shocked at this revelation, which I just remembered). Was I deaf? Were my ears clogged? Or was there simply nothing there to be heard? Let's go down the list, just to be sure I didn't miss anything. How about the buzz of a bug... or a bee? No. A gust of wind? No. The notes of music or voices from afar? No, and no. Nothing at all, I tell you~~~only the eerie, but beautiful sound of silence. But I do wonder... if I'd had a pin, would I have heard it drop? Was it really that quiet... or were my [spiritual] ears simply not tuned in...yet? Your guess is as good as mine. But let us not linger here, with this question, for too long. The answers will come. We must keep moving. And I must continue my explanation to you. The guilt...remember? It's such a powerful motivator.
I didn't dawdle for long, in that space; no time for exploration; no time for awe. There was work to be done. You see... I did not arrive in that new place without an understanding of my purpose. I knew exactly why I was there. (Perhaps), I may have been blindsided by the timing; by the choice to be there... at that particular time. But once I arrived in that place, it was all as clear as day. The trip there may have been an unconscious one, but the decision to go... was all of my own choosing. And when I return here~~~ once again~~~ I will tell you why.
But before I's your sign:
{ ~Be Back Soon~ }
~~~cmc | 04.30.2018
May 7, 2018
"To Reveal or not to reveal?...
...that is no longer a Question."
I suppose I can take the {Be-Back-Soon} sign down now...because here I am. It appears as though I haven't been away nearly as long as the last time. But if truth be told, I never leave this space. It's an illusion that I close down shop and go do other things after I complete an entry for you. Even when I'm not {actively} communicating with you...writing to you...hanging photographs for you~~some part of my mind is always here. I know I've said this to you before~~ and so far, it's proven true. Are you buying what I'm selling? Are you picking up what I'm putting down? So perhaps...just perhaps, there is a way to be in 2 places at once (and maybe even more)~~~through the channels of your mind. Is that possible? Perhaps. We'll stick in a pin in this idea...for now. The guilt—from being gone so long—it's calling my name.
I have something for you...a gift... a little thought. Take a look at this:
"The unreal is more powerful than the real, because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it, because it's only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, and fantasies that last. Stone crumbles, wood rots. People…well, they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on". Author~~Chuck Palahniuk
Nice, right? I have all of these beautiful quotes stored away to share with you~~~when the Spirit moves me. I don't even care if this particular quote relates to my what I just wrote above it. It doesn't matter. I felt like sharing I did. The only rule here~~~is that there aren't any rules. In the grand and glorious space of { my place on Squarespace } one gives a shit about the rules. The concept simply doesn't exist. And while this is an odd feeling at first, you do get used to it.
So at this very moment, I must admit that my mind is here...and is in that other space I've been building~~~where I've been moonlighting. I can tell because my thoughts are moving, and fluidly flowing, back and forth as I try to decide~~in my mind~~where to be and what to say next. Perhaps it would be best for me to pick up where I left off, when I arrived in that other space.
By the way, that space has a name. It's called...
Had you already guessed that? My guess is...that you did. I mean, it was never intended to be a secret or anything. And even though it's still under construction~~the door has, for the most part, been open. It was only closed for a bit until I got my bearings. And since I'm still not really sure exactly what's going on over there...even though I do understand my reasons and my purpose for that space...I decided to open the door~~~ and keep it open. The only real harm in doing this, is that my scrap pile of materials and my tools are scattered all over the place.. just like my thoughts. So explore carefully...and at your own risk.
And now the secret is really out. If I'm to be completely honest, I suppose for a while, it did feel like a secret; that there would at some point, be this grand reveal. And I was so excited about "the moment" I would pull back the imaginary curtain to show you. I mean, we all know that whenever we are working on a project, any project, and especially an artistic one... we consider it to be our masterpiece; our "baby", and most definitely... a secret. And when the "baby" is finally completed, there is something to be said about the grand reveal. Right? I know for a fact that we do this in the physical world; we guard our secrets, and keep them close to the vest, for fear of someone stealing whatever it is we think we own, or that we've invented~~~or created~~~ until we choose to reveal it to the world. Am I right? I think I am. But to borrow a phrase from the world, what I've come to learn and to understand about secrets and grand reveals, is this:
Here~~~ secrets don't matter. As a matter of fact, the secret to success...over that we don't need to keep our secrets...a secret. (More on that later). Because, once again, no one gives a shit.
Yes, indeed-y, it's like I've been saying; things in this space are very different. Unique. It is a bit of a challenge to adjust to this new way of thinking. And I feel like an "infant" myself, in my earliest stages of surrendering...and abandoning what I thought was real, or the truth, while at the same time experimenting with the possibilities of the imaginary and perhaps different kinds of truth(s). So do I know any of what I'm currently saying to be a fact...or to be some kind of truth? I don't. I. Know. Nothing. But I do happen to have a handy dandy quote tucked away in my back pocket that might fit in with what I'm trying to say:
“I like the scientific spirit—the holding off, the being sure but not too sure, the willingness to surrender ideas when the evidence is against them: this is ultimately fine—it always keeps the way beyond open—always gives life, thought, affection, the whole man, a chance to try over again after a mistake—after a wrong guess.”
― Walt Whitman, Walt Whitman's Camden Conversations
And for now...once again, here's your sign:
~~~cmc | 05.07.2018 (Posted on 08.01.2018)
November 21, 2018
“As I was walking down the street one day;
A pretty lady looked at me and said her diamond watch had stopped cold dead…
and I said…”
(“Does anybody really care…about time?)
— Chicago Transit Authority
One of the tricky aspects of navigating this space is that I never know when I'll return, even though it's been established that I never leave. Another tricky aspect of navigating this space, is that I never know about which topic my Soul would like to communicate. I am as surprised as you might be regarding both. As I've stated before, nothing here is linear; nothing here is "written in stone". And to be perfectly honest with you, I'm beginning to wonder if time is as linear in the physical world as we so much would like to believe. Yes, our comings and goings are all synched up to match each others. We move about to the tick-tock of the clock; to the numerical date on the calendar. But if we really think about it, that might be just about as far as this concept goes. Do we control the moment when a baby is conceived... or born? Do we have any power over the bloom time of a flower? Do we know the exact scheduled 'dance time' of when each leaf is to fall in the Fall? Do we......? Do we.....? Do we.....?
I suppose I could go on and on with these questions, but what would be the point? Instead, perhaps we might consider this: There is a Force which is navigating all of these events, behind the scenes~~~an order...a Divine Order; a Force and a Divine Order which [operates in] and overlaps the virtual chaos in the "time and space" of the physical world, but one that we cannot detect with our 5 senses. Nevertheless, it's a possibility that it's the very same Force I sense and feel here, at my place on Squarespace~~~minus the clocks, of course. But of course, if I am wrong~~and I'm willing to consider the possibility that I am~~then please refer to the quote I ended with in my previous entry. However, before I complete this short and simple [surprise of an] entry, I do have one more question as per Chicago Transit Authority:
"Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?"
P.S. “Does Anybody Really Care?…
…about Time?”
~~~cmc | 11.21.2018
March 28, 2019
"A [thought], an a Ghost...must be spoken to a little, before it will explain itself." ~Author: Charles Dickens
That quote…
It’s like a Deja Vu…
[But it’s not a Deja Vu…]
We’ve both seen it before.
Do you remember?
In “The Foyer”.
It’s still there.
Take a peek.
I will wait.
That quote…
Like a lonely old soul, it’s knocking on my door again…
requesting another visit…
but this time…
…in the “Main Entrance”.
* * *
I wonder…
what might this Ghost have to say…today? Tell me…do you know? Can you give me a hint? Because if you don’t know…and i don’t know…then no one knows—except for the Ghost. Perhaps, if i am cordial, and i allow the Presence to enter my open door, we can, all together, sit down on a step…any step of my staircase…while we wait for an answer… from the Ghost— …if there is one.
But wait…
Do you hear that? The music? It’s coming from The Street. I forgot to tell you. There is always music playing here…perpetually…eternally. But… if you heeded my advice from some time ago, specifically on November the 21st of 2017:
“……to allow your feet to hit the Street…of the Happening Place…the Lovely Land of the Light…[where the Magic is… if you believe in Magic]…for a cup of coffee, or tea…or maybe even something a little bit stronger, if you feel the need.”……
…then you would already know—about the music. I’m fairly certain you would be able to hear it…too. Do you hear it—from here? I realize you’re a visitor, so I’m not sure if you can hear what I hear—here. If you’re here with me—on the same frequency as mine—then it’s quite possible that what we hear…is the same. But since one never knows what anyone else hears, then you may not have an answer to that question. Therefore, to the best of my ability, I will share the sounds of my music with you—by using my words—so that you might hear…what i hear. But first—some logistics.
I don’t know who the DJ is, or who was assigned to this little corner of “my place on Squarespace”… but— my ‘Angel’—She rocks. Such a Music mind reader! All day—every day—all I hear are the sounds of Jazz… Latin Jazz…my favorite. [how could she know—my ‘Angel’—who Rocks?] And though I know better, I would almost think I’m in Heaven. But I do… know better. Don’t I? Of course, the name of my specific location is not of importance. Wanting to know details such as this…for sure…only takes away from the experience of what feels like—What must be—Heaven. Perhaps it is best to leave it at that.
What is It that I hear?… in surround sound? every note…every instrument—that is what I hear. I can hear it all…no matter where I am…because I have created this space. This is my Home…my Frequency. But depending on your points of longitude and latitude, you may only be able to hear certain sounds—from the deepest pitch, which is the bass…to the highest of frequencies, depending on where your feet are placed—on the Street. But there is little doubt that the closer you come to me, the more of what I hear, you will hear. This is what I imagine—for you.
And just for you Scientific Junkie and music lovers, I’ve researched and identified a bit of trivia, however trivial it may be. It’s on the complicated side of things. and while I’m sure only the geniuses were able to discover this— it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand it. However, read it at your own risk, as you never know which path such lofty thoughts will lead you next:
* * *
As Quoted: “Using the piano keyboard's middle C note as a reference point for the middle of the piano key music range, Astronomer Dr. Andrew Fabian, determined the note is a B -flat. On a piano, the B-flat nearest middle C is located midway between 1/8th and 2/8th of an octave away. In musical terminology, this B flat is 1-1/2 steps from middle C.
By Contrast, The Perseus cluster black hole's B-flat, is 57 octaves below middle C or “one million, billion” times lower than the lowest sound audible to the human ear. In terms of frequency (the time it takes a single sound wave to pass by), the lowest sounds a person can hear is 1/20th of a second. The Perseus black hole's sound waves have a frequency of 10 million years!”
Also This: “Bass frequencies have a “longer” sound wave. If you’re standing directly in front of a bass you will not hear it as dramatically or as loudly as you would if you stepped back 20 to 30 feet or so. (Incredible!) By the time sound waves from mid and high frequency instruments (including the voice) have lost energy and faded away, the bass is still moving.”
This is why I’m fairly certain that no matter where you’re presently standing on the Street, you’re, at the very least, hearing the bass notes of the song my Latin Jazz ‘Angel’ is playing on Her turn table—just for me…and for you. Listen, and you will hear. It’s as simple as that.
* * *
I’m not sure if this is what the Ghost stopped by to say—or not. I’m not even sure if She’s here. And for sure, I’m never sure, if the words I write sometimes are hers —or mine. Ghosts can be sneaky motherf*ckers.
But—what if it’s possible that She stopped by to remind me of the music that’s perpetually and eternally playing here—under the guise—of me… telling you? Do you see? (As I said—sneaky!). So in actuality, in her reminding me, I reminded myself—and then i— reminded you. Or at the very least…i informed you…about the music.
Man, that is one convoluted thought… if I do say so myself. But did I say that??
Who knows? Who cares? The point is the message. It doesn’t matter from where it comes… how it’s communicated…how it’s shared. The Universe is continuously searching for creative ways in which to send us our apropos messages…so that we may hear—and understand. My bet is that She’s exhausted. In some ways, I feel Her pain.
But “WE THE MOTHERF*CKERS”…of { MY PLACE ON SQUARESPACE }… We must stick together—so that we may stick it out… for the sake of the others.
And that’s all I’m going to say about that…
…for now.
~~~cmc | 03.29.2019
March 29, 2019
“Baubles, Bangles, and Beads”
the main course
part 1
* * *
The Ghost—I think she’s still here. I can’t see her, but I can feel Her. Is it possible she has more to say? Perhaps what she said not so long ago… was only an appetizer; perhaps what she’ll say next—is the main course. And you know I can’t help but wonder:
will there be dessert?
Do you hear that? Of course you do. It’s the bass. do you remember what we said—about the bass? It has its own ‘voice’…its own ‘flavor’…regardless of the complementary instruments…the other ‘aromas’ which float in the air around it. And remember…the bass is fluent in [lengthy] time travel. In this, it is an expert. Listen—and you will hear—the beauty of the bass.
~ ~ ~
* * *
~ ~ ~
It’s such a catchy tune my DJ is playing on the turntable for for me…for you…
…dance if you must…
…You can’t help but move your feet…
…to the beat…
—of the sounds—
on the Street.
Wherever you are—won’t you please—Come closer? Follow the frequency of the Waves…the sound waves… the pulse of the bass. But—[and I almost forgot to mention]—doing this does not require the use of your ears. Here—on Squarespace—attempting to hear in this way, may only confuse you. But listening does require the use of—something—a ‘language’ that we are not [yet] very fluent, but have committed to Heart. This is your reminder of what you remember:
You already know and understand every ‘word’.
You are a Master—Here.
You can do it; I know you can. Come closer…Find me…So I can talk to you… face-to-face… instead of in the written word and through invisible thought. I promise, when you arrive here at [My Place…], you will not be disappointed… by what you hear.
“Baubles… Bangles… hear how they jing-a-ling-a-ling-a…
Baubles… Bangles… bright, shiny beads…”
[Tweak your frequency a bit more…in order to match mine, and you will come closer. Yes, you can do it. The percussion section…Those are the next sounds you will sense…the rhythm of the guitar, the boom of the [bass] drum. Tell me, did you know… that the drum has notes—too?].
“Sparkle, Spangles…my heart will sing, sing-a-ling-a…
…Wearing Baubles…
…bangles and beads…”
[Aren’t those lyrics delicious? The percussion…decadently layered? Her voice… beautifully sweet? This already tastes like dessert.]
“I’ll glitter and gleam so… Make somebody Dream…”
“So that someday day… He may… Buy me a ring-a-ling-A-Ling-a, I've heard that's where it leads…”
[You’re almost all the way here. Can you hear? She’s scatting like a pro…using her own syllables and sounds. Isn’t she exciting? it sounds as if she has a dream of her own: a ring-a-ling-a-ling-a…]
“…Wearing baubles… ...Baubles, bangles, and beads.”
* * *
And i see you have all arrived…
even those of you who may…
have staggered just a little bit…
in your dance—along the way.
* * *
“Baubles, Bangles, and Beads” is the song my DJ chose for me… and for you;It’s the record that’s spinning ‘round and ‘round [and ‘round] on the turntable. With any luck, what we’re hearing—and finally all together now—is the smooth and velvety voice of Tatiana Mayfield. I can’t say for certain why she—my DJ— chose this particular song, by this particular artist, for me—and for you. but I’m fairly certain, if we listen—she will tell us all about it. The Ghost loves—and lives— to tell a story.
I wonder: Is the story I’m about to hear—[the story i’m about to tell you]—the same story she’s communicating to me? Is it possible—to listen—and to not put my own spin on it? Or will this be a case of “whisper down the lane”? I don’t know. I say we give it a whirl. But i do promise to put on my very best listening ‘ears’.
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
every one…
…listen up…
so i may hear.
My DJ [who rocks {and who is also a Jazz freak}]—most likely knows me very well. She is [sort of] fluent in my language, though I sense her language is different from mine. or perhaps mine is different from hers. does this matter? “does anybody really care?'“
But either way, I think it’s quite possible for two souls to communicate in a different language…and still—hear. Perhaps the version she is playing for me..and for you, is the “©Urban” version of “Baubles, bangles, and beads”— like that dictionary of which I spoke earlier—the “hip” version. And perhaps her version… her language—the one that resonates with her soul—is the more traditional one…like “©the cambridge” or the “©Merriam webster”: The classic version, if you will.
Yes, this is possible!
…because I checked. While she was busy tastefully entertaining us with my version—in my language [and perhaps yours]— I did a little research into her version. And it’s not only classically classic, but it’s classy. It’s Latin Jazz…with a twist:
her version has whipped cream… and a cherry on top.
* * *
And now, I have a request: Please do not ask me why i did this—why i did the research into her version. My god—this really is…the main course. We’re in it deep now. There is absolutely no turning back and slipping out some side alley door. And besides…never, ever turn your back on the Ghost… and her story—or you will be hunted—haunted. Remember “The Foyer”—and its story?
So laugh…
…go ahead…
…at what i just said…
about the Ghost *
but laugh at your own peril!
Because the joke…
…will be on you.
I wonder: Is the potentiality of all I just said so scary, that you can’t wait to get back to the original story…her story…my story…your story—too? And so we shall.
But first—I ‘feel’… coffee. i ‘smell’… coffee. I ‘taste’… coffee. So it’s time for my feet… to hit the street—for coffee. And then, we will return to the story.
So if you dare, just you wait;
I can promise you, I won’t be late.
the story will keep; it’s written in stone;
and you have each other; you’re not alone;
my DJ is eager to take your request;
but please be gentle with your behest.
the beauty of the bass, I’ll hear as well;
the boom of the drum, as clear as a bell.
coffee is calling! So now I must run;
miss me while I’m gone? and remember—have fun!
So just you wait, but try not to yearn;
for the story will continue, upon my return.
~~cmc | 03.29.2019
February 19, 2020
“Words I Love”...{4}
DORMIVEGLIA (N., ITALIAN) [dormi’veʎa/]
“dormiveglia is the state of being half-asleep or half-awake. Dormiveglia is an Italian word and one that doesn’t have a single word equivalent in English, or at least not one that is near as lovely, since semi-conscious is somewhat lacking in descriptive delight and essence. Besides, dormiveglia is describing a semi-conscious sleep awake state, not just semi-consciousness.
dormiveglia is such a poetic, almost everyday word, since i know that i find myself in that deliciously half-awake, half-asleep state quite often. dormiveglia is a “favorite state of mind” that is usually in the early hours right before dawn, when we roll over and snuggle deeper into our soft bedding, knowing we still have time to dwell in the land of dreams before having to fully wake up. of course there are those times when the dormiveglia is almost painful, since I know I have to get up, yet relinquishing the hold sleep still has on me seems more a battle hard fought than not.
i feel so inspired by the word dormiveglia and simply contemplating that space and state of semi-consciousness gives me such thrilling chills of poetic and artistic inspiration since it is a place I know well. What do you think of dormiveglia, either as a word or a state of being?”.
"Sky" | After the Storm | 08.18.2017 |
Art:© Camille Madeline Photography
| All Rights Reserved |
~~~cmc | 02.18.2020